Sunday, August 1, 2010

Passenger Seat...

Wow, it has been a long time since I have posted! I feel like this summer has flown by and now Travis is starting back to work in a week and Miles will be back at Annies which he is super excited about! We just got back today from a much needed vacation to Saugatuck, Holland and Grand Haven Michigan! My body was in over drive from a busy few weeks with work, travis' surgery and just life itself! I finally felt like I was sitting in the passenger seat all vacation with no big plans and my need to control things was no where in sight! We enjoyed the beach and watching Miles play in the sand for the first time (his curiosity got the best of him and he even tried to eat it.) We enjoyed the boats and the little shops! I didn't really get to sleep in since I shared a bed with the little guy but the memories and snuggles were all well worth it! I might add I also got to hold my niece who was born today for the first time- welcome Reagan Jane Randall and congrats to mom and dad- she is beautiful! I plan to TRY to keep this updated a little better since we hope to slow down for a while.... 24 days and we will know what this new little life is going to be!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures! Can't wait to see if you will have a girl or boy!! :) And yes you need to update this more!! Love ya!
